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Meet Wanhee

Dr. Seo, Licensed Acupuncturist and Natural Beauty Specialist




Marble Surface

Acutonique is an acupuncture and wellness studio in San Diego.

We help people create a radiant mind-body balance and reconnect with their inner selves so they can live their lives with health and confidence.

Whole-Body Healing Approaches to Our Most Common Modern-Day Challenges

Facial Rejuvenation,
Graceful Aging



Stress, Anxiety,

Emotional Health




Marble Surface


Listen and plan.

Pain, stress, and illness aren’t the enemy - they’re messages from your body.

So often we see our health issues are burdens. We curse our “bad backs” or endlessly wish our anxiety away. At Acutonique, we like to look at things a little differently - discomfort, unease, and even chronic illnesses are the body’s way of communicating with us.


Listening to these signs gives us the information we need to take the right steps in a healthier direction. Through listening, an effective treatment plan, and self-compassion, we can help the body heal itself. What is your body saying?


Start from the root.

Your strategic path to health starts within.
Real healing, that can transform your life, has to start within.


We use a blend of traditional East Asian medicine diagnostics and strategic lab tests to pinpoint the underlying root cause of your health concerns.

By addressing the root issues and deepest needs of your body, we can stop chasing symptoms and start making big strides towards the healthy, happy lifestyle you deserve.


Reframe beauty.


Beauty is more than skin deep. Healthy skin is always in - but so is feeling radiant and vibrant on the inside, too.


At Acutonique, we use both ancient and modern techniques to help improve the look, feel, and health of your skin without harsh chemicals or surgeries. What we truly love about our work together is that it nurtures the immense beauty that already exists within you and lets that beauty shine through.


Are you ready to shine?

Wanhee Seo, DACM, L.Ac.

I just didn’t feel right. Something was off,
but I didn’t know what. 
All I knew was that something had to change.


Sound familiar?


Hi, I’m Wanhee Seo, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and founder of Acutonique. 


My story with holistic healing began at a very young age. When I was just 6 months old, I had congenital heart surgery. I survived and healed, but experienced a range of health issues growing up like especially allergies and skin issues. Thankfully, my mother was a well-trained pharmacist, herbalist, and functional medicine practitioner and her expert care helped me keep my health under control. 


But, my eczema, dryness, and acne continued when I got older. I spent thousands of dollars on luxurious cosmetic brands and facials. I tried everything from simple home remedies to well-researched treatments. Still, no matter what I did, my skin didn’t improve. 


Although many of my concerns seemed “normal” I knew they weren’t. I had my mother’s wise holistic approach in my head, reminding me that everything in the body is connected. I realized that I was only focused on the “outside” of my health. I was so concerned with how my skin looked that I didn’t see how so many other aspects of my health had deteriorated. 


My understanding of how emotional stress affects my skin grew while studying Traditional Chinese Medicine at Pacific College of Health and Science. I pushed myself to be perfect at school and get my license, only to find out that those same emotional and physical stressors can harm my body internally.


But, holistic medicine taught me to look at the bigger picture. Once I did, I saw how unbalanced I had become: I had hypothyroidism, my hormones were imbalanced, my digestion was poor, and I had no energy. I pushed myself to perfection and my stress levels were through the roof. Still, I kept neglecting my health, always striving to work harder and be better. 


Eventually, I deepened my yoga practice with a teacher training program and started a holistic medicine treatment plan. Like magic, I noticed that my skin cleared and my other health issues began to diminish. That experience showed me how powerful the mind-body connection can be. 

When I realized this and started focusing on the bigger picture, my health changed dramatically. With East Asian medicine, I was able to manage all aspects of my health (mind and body, inside and out). I saw first-hand how emotions and stress can have physical effects. I learned how physical imbalances can cause emotional strain. I even discovered how digestion, attitude, and behaviors can impact how healthy our skin is and how beautiful we feel. I watched as my body healed from within, just by connecting through yoga and holistic medicine. 

My own experiences and health challenges inspired me to become an acupuncturist and yoga teacher so I could teach others this same approach. At Acutonique, I work with people like you who want more out of life but feel their health is holding them back. Through natural and effective treatments as well as a customized wellness plan, we work together to restore your health within and set a strong foundation for a healthy, empowered future.


Helping you understand your body and feel confident in your own skin is my biggest passion in life - Are you ready to see what strength, vitality, and beauty you have inside?

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